
One of the best ways to get connected with our community at St. Joe's is to join one of our groups. We know that people are different, so we've got a number of different programs and ministries designed for varied age groups, interest or gender. Some are social, some educational, some spiritual, or all 3.  On these pages you will have an opportunity to read a brief summary of each of our programs and ministries. Please visit our Upcoming Events page or Event Calendar for event details.

Some of the smallest among us serve at the altar.  Children beginning at age 3 are invited to serve at God’s table.  We understand that they are who God created them to be and we rejoice in that. Our teens also serve at the altar with more decorum.  They are often torch bearers and assist the rector at the table.  And of course adults are welcome as well.

Altar Guild
Our mission is to prepare and promote a spiritual place for various services directed by the Rector and other worship communities, while strengthening our relationship to God and seeking to be in His presence in all that we do. We perform this by weekly cleaning of the altar area and being responsible for Sunday Services. The altar flowers are also part of our ministry. A sign up sheet is available in the Parish Hall so parishioners may give in memory, thanksgiving or celebration of life's events. We are beginning to welcome younger members of the parish to be trained in this holy ministry.

The choir is a loving group of dedicated parishioners enhancing St. Joseph worship experiences with their singing. They provide a delicate balance between traditional and renewal music. There are no auditions; everyone between the ages of 13 and 113 is welcome and encouraged to join St. Joseph choir. Practices are Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. from September to May, plus a warm up Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:00. Come be a part of this enthusiastic, growing area of service.

Library Community
Our goal is to maintain and improve the St Joseph Episcopal Church Library, which is located in the Faith Room off of Cron Hall. It serves as a small group meeting room, a reading and reference room, and a library (with a variety of books available for children and youth, fiction readers, church leaders, and others looking for resources for their life journey). Recent improvements include new book cases and furniture for a reading area.

Mary & Martha Guild
Mary & Martha is the community dedicated to hospitality. We oversee the coffee hour after each service, by making sure that the refreshments, coffee and juice are available and we are responsible for making sure that the Church Hall is put right afterward. In addition to our own contributions, we assist in making sure that the necessary food is available  for our parishioner's baptisms, weddings, funerals and all holy events within the Church. We enjoy watching our family interact around the tradition of providing food. We welcome anyone, female or male, to join us. If you think this is a community you would like to be a part of please contact Marsha McCleary Community Chair.